About the program
The Visual Arts program enables children to be involved in a multitude of activities that develop and extend individual artistic skills and creativity. Grades prep to six children are provided with opportunities to create and make using a broad range of art styles and techniques.
The Visual Arts program consists of one session per week in exceptionally well-equipped, well-resourced Art rooms that encourages students to explore and investigate independently.
We have two art rooms at our school specifically designed to cater for varying ages. Our new junior room is equipped with junior tables and chairs as well as tools and materials to accommodate little hands and bodies when creating works.
Our student’s artistic journey’s will have deep levels of learning. Each art project has been planned and designed to specifically teach the art elements, using new materials and techniques as well as explore artists and art movements. We don’t just do art for the sake of it we do it to learn, grow and enjoy!
The program ensures a wide variety of art styles; techniques and mediums are being explored. Drawing, painting, ceramics, sculpture, and mixed media collages are just a few of the many areas covered through planning that meets all strands and expectations of Victorian curriculum in an environment that provides students with an opportunity to socialize with their peers and share their works in a positive, encouraging and engaging learning environment.
The Senior art program promotes a personalized learning environment where students direct their own art making experiences. The teacher facilitates and provides resources that further develop and support your child’s abilities, skills and explorations in all areas of Art.
Kate Woodbridge – Senior Art Teacher

My name is Kate Woodbridge, and I am the senior art teacher at Rowellyn Park Primary School. 13 years ago, I was offered the art teacher position, I am a secondary trained art/Drama teacher who instantly fell in love with the RPPS community, the amazing students and the huge art room with outstanding resources and equipment. I have been here ever since and still love it as much as the year I started! I have my own Facebook page “Ms Woodbridge’s whacky world of Art” where I showcase my own art as well as the art of my students on a regular basis. I am one of the administrators for the Victorian Primary Arts network (VPAT) which has over 4000 art teachers as members. We collaborate, share ideas and gain professional development. This ensures our art practices and art teaching knowledge is up to date and engaging for our students.
I don’t believe in cookie cutter art – what that means is my students work will not all look the same with precut shapes, paper plates and photocopied images. My art room is one that encourages the process not the finished product. Some projects can take many weeks where others just a session. Students will feel success in the art they do and enjoy getting messy exploring new tools and materials!
Lisa Lever – Junior Art Teacher

My name is Lisa Lever, I have been teaching at Rowellyn for approximately 16 years in the classroom. As much as I enjoyed the classroom, this year I have taken a leap and joined our art program, teaching the junior grades.
My passion for art stems from my when my youngest daughter did Art as one of her year 12 subjects. Together we experimented with different elements and came up with some wonderful creations. I also dabbled in Art a lot during Covid following Miss Woodbridge’s tutorials.
I am excited for the year ahead and know that my passion for Art will be shown through the works the junior grades create.
Art Extravaganza
We encourage collaborative projects and exposure to the wider art community through local exhibitions and competitions. Our Biannual art Extravaganza has been a whole school community success for many years. Local artists of all areas showcase and sell their work in an art market demonstrating various forms of art and skills to encourage and inspire our students. Alongside this, and many free and fun art activities, we showcase all the students work in imaginative and colourful exhibitions that are fun and engaging.
Extra programs and support
We encourage and often run collaborative art projects such as our recent whole school “Tree of life” wall Mural outside the art room. Students have extension opportunities through such projects. Working with peers to create lasting memories of their primary years.
Students can partake in the lunchtime art club as well as the senior Art elective group. Both programs provide more creating and making opportunities for your child.
The art program provides children with an opportunity to socialize with their peers and share their works in a positive and encouraging learning environment. If you feel your child would benefit from an extended program, please contact us for information on local art schools and lessons in our area.
Parents, carers and the local community are encouraged to become involved in the R.P.P.S Art program at any capacity. If you would like to volunteer in the program or have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Kate or Lisa at any time.