
The Canteen provides a lunch order service and over-the-counter sales at lunchtime. Please ensure you provide your child with a snack for recess and fruit break when lunch has been ordered from the Canteen.

Canteen Days

The Canteen is open three days a week: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday unless notified otherwise via Compass.

Canteen Menu and Price List

The current Canteen menu and price list (subject to alteration due to price rises) is available at all times via Qkr – see Lunch Order Procedure below.

Canteen Menu and Price List

Lunch Order Procedure

The Canteen offers a convenient ordering and mobile payment system for lunch orders via a FREE smartphone (and android device) app named Qkr. A web-based version of Qkr is also available for those without access to a smart phone:

Canteen orders must be placed prior to 8.15am on canteen days (no orders can be accepted after this time). Please wait until you receive confirmation of your child’s order prior to closing the Qkr App and check that the order is correct.

Please check the lunch order date carefully before finalising to ensure the lunch order is provided on the correct day.

Your child’s lunch order will be delivered to their classroom in a paper bag. For frozen food items that are paid for on the order – the bag is stamped ‘PAID’ by Canteen staff. The child collects the frozen product by bringing the bag to the canteen counter after they have eaten their lunch.

How to guide to Qkr canteen ordering

Lunch Order Cancellation

If you know in advance that your child will be absent on the day of their lunch order you can cancel via the QKR App

If you are unable to cancel an order via the QKR app, the School Office must be informed by 9:00 am. If this does not occur, the lunch order will NOT be able to be swapped to another day. Otherwise the lunch will be prepared and you will be charged for the order.

Instructions to Cancel a Lunch Order via Qkr App


It is IMPORTANT to wait until you receive a ‘Complete’ message before closing out of Qkr when placing your Canteen order to ensure that the order has gone through. The receipt (with order details) can be viewed immediately by tapping on ‘View Receipt’ at the bottom of the screen – receipts can also be checked at any time under the ‘Activity’ tab on the Qkr homepage.

It is IMPORTANT to ensure the day the lunch order is needed is correct. Double check the lunch order date prior to closing out of Qkr to ensure the lunch is prepared on the correct day.

Students can purchase items with cash at lunchtime (if you are sending money for your Foundation child, it is recommended that they have a small purse that is kept in the front of their school bag).

Unfortunately ‘Lunch Order’ items that have been ordered via Qkr are unable to be given to students at recess.
The Canteen is managed by Bellbrook Catering.