Social and emotional learning – RRRR

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is integral to the social, emotional and academic wellbeing of a student. Schools provide a safe and secure environment for students to develop their social and emotional awareness, along with skills and strategies to ensure social and emotional wellbeing. SEL can also engage students in understanding what constitutes respectful relationships and how to achieve respectful relationships, both within oneself and with peers and the wider community.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is explicitly taught at RPPS and is part of the weekly schedule in every classroom.

As well as teaching academic skills, it is part of the core business of schools to promote student resilience, wellbeing and positive social attitudes. SEL is the process through which children and young people build and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to:

  • Understand and manage emotions
  • Set and achieve positive goals
  • Feel and express empathy
  • Establish and maintain positive relationships
  • Make responsible decisions
  • Develop resilience to deal with change
  • Create positive gender norms
  • Contribute to social cohesion.

Social and emotional skills help students develop the resilience to deal with change, challenge and unpredictability.