School Profile 

Our school motto is together we learn. The building of a truly successful educational environment is achieved through a partnership: a partnership between the parents, the school, the student and the community. This four-way partnership is central to effective learning and we endeavour to build strong relationships with all stakeholders in the school community.

Our aim is to develop confident and independent learners who take pride in and responsibility for their learning. We personalise the learning of our students to maximise their learning growth, focussing strongly on the development of key literacy and numeracy skills. Equally, we strive to develop the social and emotional capabilities of our students to ensure they are happy, motivated and thriving in school and beyond. We make sure learning is FUN!

In literacy in the Junior School, we adopt ‘Little Learners Love Literacy’: A research based Structured Synthetic Phonics in the Early Years and place emphasis on the ‘Big 6’- Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary & Comprehension.

In the Senior School, we build on the foundational skills developed through Little Learners in a systematic program known as PhOrMeS which stands for stands for Phonology, Orthography, Morphology, etymology and Semantics. 

In numeracy, emphasis is placed on the Mathematics Proficiencies- Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning and our teachers provide explicit instruction in the Big Ideas in Mathematics.

Across our curriculum programs, teachers ensure there is ongoing monitoring of student needs to target teaching and a tiered response to intervention and learning enhancement. This is achieved through our Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

Specialist programs at the school include Physical Education, Visual Art, Performing Arts and STEAM.

Learning is a lifelong journey and at Rowellyn Park, our staff are committed to continually developing their practices to ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes for the students. 

At Rowellyn Park, we follow the school-wide positive behaviour program (SWPBS), based on our co-constructed learning behaviours. Students are part of either the Junior or Senior sub school, with a dedicated Inclusion and Engagement Learning Specialist available to support the wellbeing needs of the students.

We have a Year 6 Student leadership team and a Student Representative Council (SRC), with class representatives from across the school. We have a therapy dog named Murphy. Murphy is a black Labrador who loves nothing more than to sit with students when they are feeling vulnerable, for extra support.

Working within the Northern Peninsula Network, as part of the Bayside Peninsula Area, we are located in the South-Eastern Region and have 757 students enrolled. Of that number, 0.53% are non-English speaking, 1.98% have an indigenous background and 3.43% have a disability.

The staffing profile of Rowellyn Park Primary School includes a Principal, three Assistant Principals, Five Learning Specialists, 41.98 full time equivalent (FTE) teaching staff and 20.52 FTE Education Support staff.

The indicative school 2024 Student Family Occupation Education (SFOE) index is 0.4194.

The school’s F-10 curriculum framework incorporated the eight learning areas required by The Education and Training Reform Act 2006 aligned with the Victorian Curriculum.

The school provides an accredited Out of School Hours Care Program.

Additional programs include Sports and Athletics, Bike Education, Dance, Drama, Choir, Runners’ Club and the Young Explorers’ Club.

The school’s buildings are designed around the perimeter of a central courtyard which includes seating and play areas. The classrooms are structured in pairs to promote team learning, flexible groupings and a collaborative learning environment. Our facilities include a designated, two storey STEAM centre and a new state-of-the-art gym. The school grounds offer a range of outdoor play areas for the students, whilst providing a quiet sensory space during break times.