Principal’s welcome 

Our school is located on land of the Bunurong people, we acknowledge them as the Traditional Custodians of the land. We thank them for sharing and caring for the land we learn and play on. We pay our respects to Elders, past and present and we share our friendship and kindness.

Welcome to Rowellyn Park Primary School. I am proud to introduce myself as the Principal of such a welcoming and engaging school community; a community that prides itself on providing a calm and safe learning environment for the students whilst ensuring all students are challenged in their learning.

Having commenced in the Principal role at the start of 2023, I have relished the opportunity to get to know the students, the parents/carers and the staff and it has been clear to me from my very first day that everyone has student outcomes at the forefront of their thinking. We are a large school with approximately 750 students across 35 grades, however our relentless focus on building positive relationships across the school community and high expectations of student behaviour ensure that students feel safe and confident in our school community.

At Rowellyn park Primary School, all members of our school community embody our motto of ‘together we learn’. Our philosophy is to provide students with personalised learning to ensure they are both appropriately supported and challenged in a stimulating learning environment. A successful three-way partnership between the teacher/school, the parent/carer and the child are central to building the foundations for a successful experience at school.

Learning is a lifelong journey and at Rowellyn Park, our staff are committed to continually developing their practices to ensure they achieve the best possible outcomes for the students. In literacy, we adopt a Research based Structured Synthetic Phonics in the Early Years and place emphasis on the ‘Big 6’- Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary & Comprehension. In numeracy, emphasis is placed on the Mathematics Proficiencies- Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning and our teachers prpvide explicit instruction in the Big Ideas in Mathematics.

Across our curriculum programs, teachers ensure there is ongoing monitoring of student needs to target teaching and a tiered response to intervention and learning enhancement. This is achieved through our Professional Learning Communities (PLC).

We follow the school-wide positive behaviour support program (SWPBS), a framework that is underpinned by on our values of Respect, Resilience, Responsibility and Reflection. Students are part of either the Junior or Senior sub school, with a dedicated Inclusion and Engagement Learning Specialist available to support the wellbeing needs of the students.

We have a Year 6 Student leadership team and a Student Representative Council (SRC), with class representatives from across the school. We have a therapy dog named Murphy. Murphy is a black Labrador who loves nothing more than to sit with students when they are feeling vulnerable, for extra support.

Our specialist programs include Physical Education, Visual and Performing Arts and STEAM. The school provides an accredited Out of School Hours Care Program. Additional programs include Sports and Athletics, Bike Education, Dance, Drama, Choir, Runners’ Club and the Young Explorers’ Club.

In regard to our facilities, the school’s buildings are designed around the perimeter of a central courtyard which includes seating and play areas. The classrooms are structured in pairs to promote team learning, flexible groupings and a collaborative learning environment.

The school provides additional learning spaces for Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Indonesian and Out of School Hours Care. The grounds include a number of shaded adventure play areas and a combination of both hard and synthetic surfaces suitable for major games such as basketball and netball. Renovations of the staffroom, conference room and administration building have been completed in June 2023 and it is with great pride that our staff now have a workspace that is befitting of their passion and commitment to the school.

I hope that this website provides you with an engaging overview of all the amazing offerings here at Rowellyn Park. Please see the enrolments tab for more information on enrolments and how to book school tours.

Thank you for your interest in our school and please get in touch if you would like to know more.

Mark Henderson
